Friday 18 November 2011

FarmVille Ask For Help - Why is it Necessary?

As FarmVille is a social game that is played virtually, you require many friends, who are willing to become your neighbors. If your friends are not playing then you have to search for them in the Fan Section of the game. You can send them the friend request and then when they accept your request you can send them the neighbor request. Once that is also accepted then you have neighbors. This is one of those games that promote social bonding, and you gain new friends in unknown persons. Also it is very unique and distinctive concept to get in touch with new friends.
Having Neighbors are very important, if you have finish certain tasks. How are the neighbors important for you?
Neighbors play a very crucial role in all the spheres of the game. When you plant the seeds, your seeds need fertilizers so that you get healthy crops. There is no facility for you to fertilize your crops yourself. Hence you have to FarmVille ask for help from your neighbors so that you get good crops and also experience points. For this when you sow your seeds, there is a pop-out which asks you to inform your neighbors to help you and fertilizes your seeds.
They are also very helpful when you exchange gifts with them. Some of the gifts that you exchange are either very costly in the Market or not available at all which makes process of exchanging gifts very difficult. You also exchange trees, decorations, animals etc with your neighbors. All these help you in moving up very fast. The trees and the animals are your constant source of income, which you can spend the way you want and whichever form you want.
From time to time FarmVille gives you certain tasks, which you would not be able to finish without your neighbors' help. The tasks like barn building, stable building, coop building, getting presents cannot be completed without the help of your neighbors, as they are very expensive in the market, and also you have to spend your precious FV cash to buy them. You get FV cash only when you gain a level. So they are very precious, as once you spend them you cannot regain them, except may be buy them with real cash.


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