Wednesday 30 November 2011

Best Paladin Race - A Breakdown by Purpose

It can be hard to figure out racials when you don't really have any idea what a class is like at level eighty. Even those with experience, though, can find themselves unable to determine which racials are optimal; is Berserking or Blood Fury stronger burst, for example?
Today we'll discuss the best Paladin race for each role you're likely to want to play in at level eighty; PvP, DPS, Healing, and Tanking. We'll name the top race or two for each role, and explain what makes that race so good.
First, let's talk about PvP. Currently, Human continues to dominate PvP thanks to Every Man for Himself; the fact that you can trade your normal PvP trinket in for something a lot stronger is a major benefit, as top end trinkets often have more benefits than any other piece of equipment. Other than Human, the top DPS and Healing races can work for PvP, as their benefits continue to work in PvP.
For DPS, there is really only one choice; Draenei. The hit buff aura a Draenei provides buffs not only the players damage, but their entire party. The other option, if Draenei isn't your thing or you plan to be partied with someone else to get the buff, is Dwarf or Human; Dwarves get more expertise but only with maces, compared to Human's lesser expertise but ability to use either swords OR maces.
Third up is Healing. To be honest, none of the racials available really does anything worthwhile for a Paladin healer, at least directly. Human is probably the best choice in the end, though, because Every Man for Himself can allow a healer to get out of CC and back to healing as soon as possible, which can be vital. The extra heal of a Draenei isn't completely horrible either.
Tanking is our last stop, and really there is no contest; Dwarf is easily the best paladin race for tanking. Stoneform allows not only a quick purge of a variety of status effects, but a temporary armor buff. No other race provides anything as handy. Draenei's hit buff and emergency heal isn't a bad choice, though.
So there you have it; it's pretty easy to see that while there isn't a single best paladin race, each role does have its best choices.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Perfect Balance 2 - A Game Review

You only have to look at the iPhone to see the success of the perfect balance. Anyone that plays flash games on their iPhone will see that there is now a series of games dedicated to perfect balance. This all started from the first flash game on the PC. Perfect Balance 2 the follow on to the now legendary game.

Once again players have to make their way through a painstaking 100 levels. The concept is still the same, you still have to balance seemingly impossible items on a map without any of them falling off; the tough part comes in when you have no straight surfaces to do so. Developers have not changed the way the game is played but instead tightened up the game play itself. Let's take a look at where the game has been developed.
The screen layout has been vastly changed, now instead of the previous tedious layouts developers have added a lot more colour, which changes depending on which one of the five stages you choose to play.
In the game there is now the option of a walk through, and even though I would suggest you try to steer clear from as many walk throughs as possible, it is always handy to have.
You also have the option to skip up to six levels; this is a helpful feature to have, because you will often find that if you spend too much time on one level, then you stop thinking about it logically. This way you can always go back and try the level again at a later stage.
The biggest development in the game is the scoring system. As well as the retracting bonus counter, which offers you more points for quicker completion; you now also get nine jewels per stage. You must try and balance these on your structure to gain more points. You get a set number of points for each one that stays on your structure, and if you somehow manage to get all nine, then you receive an additional bonus.
On the main menu you can reset your progress, this offers you the chance to get all six of your level skips back, but, lose all your progress, as well as your total score and the amount of diamonds you have placed.
Even though effectively there are 100 new levels only 20 of them are never before seen, because 80 have been taken from the iPhone game. Of these 80, half have been taken from the perfect paradise game and half from lost trials. I suggest you start out on the new stages created for the PC as they tend to be slightly easier than some of iPhone levels.
Perfect Balance 2 has taken out some of the gimmicks from the first game and concentrated on game development itself. This has allowed developers to structure an enjoyable game, one that boasts over seven million players. Yes, it can get severely frustrating at times but keep your head and you will figure it out..... eventually.

Monday 28 November 2011

Car Parking Games

When it comes to driving a vehicle, the hardest part is parking. According to several surveys taken through the country, parking is one piece where numerous people fail to achieve successfully. There is a standard strategy you can follow, and you can practice it in an online parking game. There are loads of parking games online, and even if it is not realistic, it will still show you the general pattern to follow. Believe it or not, I used parking games to actually learn the essential techniques involved. It made it much easier for me, because I knew what to do. It is also a great way to see what faults you make as well.

These games generally have a beginner level, medium level and an advanced level. For basic players, you will be required to park a car in a big parking spot, between two cars. On the other hand, for advanced drivers, you will be required to park your vehicle in a very tight spot. In all cases, you will have to perform diagonal parking, parallel parking, and 90 degree parking.
There are lots of parking games online, and they are all just as good. The one thing we look for is the quality of the game itself. The graphics should be quite well in order to learn the real techniques in a proper manner. If you do a quick search for the term "parking games", you will be given quite a few sites to select from. You will have to give each game a try and see if it is something you can feel comfortable practicing with. Different games are built with various strengths, platforms and designs. Some games concentrate only on parking, but others involve other tasks such as driving, racing and more.
Games solely about parking may sound dull, but they will benefit you. A good game we can recommend is Parking Lot. Parking Lot is a great game that was created by GamezIndia. The graphics are amazingly built into the game and it provides a high sense of realism. It feels very real, and it handles like a real car. It starts off at level one where you have to park your car in a parking lot at 90 degrees angle. The second and third level will follow the same pattern, and then they move onto parallel parking. The first few levels are rather simple, but they need time. Time is the biggest issue. If you make too many fast movements, there are more chances of crashing your car. This is the same in real life, because if you back up or move forward to fast, you might end up scratching your car, car or worse.
Playing car parking games on the internet can be a blast! Just be sure to find a friendly and safe environment to play. The author suggests for all your gaming needs.

Sunday 27 November 2011

The Benefits of Memory Enhancing Online Games

Memory enhancing games can help people in improving their cognitive function. These games are designed to help you enhance your mental faculties. Most people love to play online games, and the best games you could select for your family and yourself are those that improve the memory. Years of research involving gamers have shown that online games have positive effects on our cognitive abilities. They help to in improve our memory, attention and that speed with which our brain can process information.
Just like our body needs exercise and a nutritious and healthy diet for keeping fit, our brain also requires sufficient activity for it to develop and keep active. This can be achieved by exercising your mind on a regular basis. In order to keep your brain sharp and active, games which assist in enhancing your memory while you participate in them are the best solution. There are many benefits that you can get from online strategy Flash games:
- You can enhance your memory simply by sitting and playing these online games at home.
- These games help to increase your working memory (that is, short term memory).
- They help to improve your concentration.
- You can keep your brain active all the time.
- You can process information much faster.
Wondering how you can actually improve your memory playing these games? Well, this happens due to the increase in the production of neuro-transmitters and growth of fresh neurons. Moreover, it even assists in balancing hormone secretion. Online games designed to enhance memory keep you mentally robust by preventing depression and sicknesses related to memory, like Alzheimer's and amnesia to some extent.
If you begin to play free shooting games from a young age, it will definitely be beneficial for your mental health when you get older. Aging people can also enhance their memory skills if they play these games. Participating in free arcade games might even help people to keep away diseases contributing to memory loss like dementia when they get older.
Some of the memory enhancing online games that you are advised to start playing, if you aren't doing so already, are Memory match, Memory match overload, Memory matrix, Moneycomb, Familiar faces and lots more.
There's a similar pattern to what transpires in flash arcade games. Sequences of patterns are displayed on-screen, and all that you have to do is memorize these patterns and recognize them when they reappear. These can take the form of objects, numbers or words. As you get on with the game, the different levels start becoming complicated and tough, which help in exercising your working memory. Playing these games also help you recollect and enhance your spatial skills.
Mike Sofiel is a marketing expert. He currently works for Miniclip, a top online gaming portal on the web. Miniclips is a term for flash games that are more than fun; they are educational.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Tips to Help Any New Players Earn Greater Points in the World of Warcraft

Trying to play the World of Warcraft game with no basic clue of where to start or end is like driving yourself to a certain destination in a foreign country without a personal guide or a map by your side! Unlike the other games that you may come across with easy to follow instruction, the Warcraft game is a little complicated than you think, hence the need to be very creative and sharp so as to win yourself great points in the game.

So, what are some of the brilliant ideas that you can use in accordance with World of Warcraft horde guide manual? First of all, you should try and complete as many early levels as possible within the shortest time possible so as to secure yourself a gold statute in the end. The richly deserved gold prize shouldn't be squandered on cheap stuffs that will be of no greater help to you during your combats with the ferocious monsters in the other upcoming quest levels.
At this level, you have to try as hard as possible to maximize on your level up points, more than your opponent, so as to gain faster points in the long run. Another thing that you shouldn't do is assuming the available training zones that are essential in building up your speed momentum and combat tactics in preparation of the next quest ahead of you.
The other tip is to try and gather as many expeditions as possible all at once since this will save you a lot of time that is lost when you keep on drifting back and forth for another new quest each time you complete the one at hand. Remember that you are capable of collecting and saving up to twenty-five quest all at the same time. Moreover, having a horde leveling Guide beside will greatly improve your scoring points.

Mage, Priest and Paladin Changes in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm

All World of Warcraft fans out there are really looking forward to the upcoming expansion, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. One of the most awaited and researched information is what is known so far about the changes that will take place regarding the different classes. There is not much available at this point for most of the classes, but I believe it is interesting to see what we do know so far. At this point, it is mostly based on rumors and pieces of official blue posts, so you may or may not see these changes implemented in the patch when the time comes for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm to hit the shelves.

Mage - the biggest change is in the way statistic and Spirit to be more precise will work for the mages. Blizzard is planning to turn Spirit into primary stat for healers and thus Mages will no longer need it on their gear. Spells and abilities such as Molten Spirit will undergo some changes as result to account for the loss of Spirit as important statistic. Instead, there will be some new game mechanics for mana regeneration and Intellect will turn into the most important stat for any caster, including Mages. Another change is to the Fire tree, where Combustion is not where developers want it to be at the moment, so we are most likely getting some changes there in order to make it more interesting. Additionally, Night Elves will also be able to create Mages amongst them come World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

Paladin - very little is available at this point about the changes to the Paladin class, but we will share it with you anyways. At this point, all we know is that Tauren will also be able to create Paladin. Also, there are no plans to prevent Paladins from taking a cloth or leader armor piece if they decide that the statistics on them are well worth it, even though the Mastery bonus for wearing plate armor gear will most likely make it not really worth it. The changes to how Haste will work will also make Haste beneficial statistic for the Retribution Paladins. What else the developers have on their mind when it comes to Paladins we will have to wait and see.

Priest - Shadow priests will get a damage spell without a cooldown, or at least so the rumors say. This will be quite nice as now most of the damage spells from the shadow magic type do have a cooldown. Healing Priests might meet some difficulties when it comes to getting a raid spot if no other changes are applied, as Resto Shamans are getting more powerful AOE healing abilities and also all healing classes are getting a dispel magic ability. However, I do believe that developers will not let that happen as Priests are one of the most *healing focused* classes, with not one but two trees focused on healing and damage mitigation abilities. I'm pretty sure that we will see changes into healing priests that will make up for the buffs that other healing classes get in order to keep the Priests competitive and welcomed to any raid or group as healers.
I've been playing WoW for more than four years. You can tell whenever I'm offline because I'm writing articles instead to stay in the zone. Support my habit (and yours) at [].

Friday 25 November 2011

What is Your Pick in the World of Warcraft? The Alliance Faction Or the Horde Faction?

Are you at war with the horde faction or the Alliance faction? Which side would you prefer playing in the Warcraft game? Just hold on a minute there, before you go about choosing which faction to side with, don't you think it's a good idea to have a look at the aspects that make these two warring factions very different from each other?

Even so, there are people out there who argue that there is no difference between the factions since they all look alike and are fun to use in the game. But actually that's not the case. In fact, choosing to go for the horde or Alliance factions will greatly determine the amount of time you will use to create your own honor as well as how to control the game using the horde guide.
The Alliance faction is said to be advantageous when navigating through areas considered to be inhibited by blizzards unlike the hordes who may somehow succumb to the harsh weather conditions and loose you points in the end.
In addition, when both factions are placed together in the same combat field, it is believed that when both sides are leveled up correctly using the horde leveling Guide, the Alliance team is much better equipped and slightly faster in attack maneuvers and fighting skills. Nonetheless, when the battle is in the field, the Alliance faction is no match for the horde faction that is quite energetic and fast enough to take advantage of the situation and claim victory.
This simply means that, choosing to play the horde faction via the non-PVP server will earn you faster honors, hence advance to higher levels even much quicker. At this point, you should by now have a clue as to which faction side you will take. The choice is entirely up to you.

Why the Warcraft Game is Popular

For those looking for a good game that is interesting enough for them to play for hours without getting bored, well the game to play is Warcraft as it has thrilling adventures that will keep you glued to the screen. Once you start playing this game it keeps pulling you in with all the fantastic features that it has from the adventure in the world of Azeroth to the combat versus mode which enables you to fight a fellow player using different characters.

With its increasing popularity the game has now added an online multiplayer feature that is quite addictive as it is witnessed that some of the players can even go for six hours straight just playing the game or trying to pass a difficult level like the seventieth. Not only does the game have mind blowing features such as the online multiplayer interaction, which gives the players the opportunity to interact with each other while playing online.
Despite all the features that Warcraft has, the best way to ensure that you truly enjoy the gaming experience is by using the Horde Leveling Guide which gives you a very comprehensive guide of how to play the game, how to increase your character's strength and it also provides you with a map that will guide you through the land of Azeroth.
Most players are pleased by the fact that unlike other games that after you play a few level the game is over and you have nothing else to do, the Warcraft game has no end with its many levels and once a player has finished the final or last stage the fun does not end there as there are many more challenges that the player can take part in. The horde guide will give you directions as to how to complete those challenges that seem quite hard.

A World of Warcraft Success Story

World of Warcraft popularity seems to be growing as each day passes. More and more people are finding themselves in the position where they are getting hooked and spending a lot of time glued to their seats playing this game. The game creators "Blizzard entertainment" have really worked hard on the quality of the game as it has some of the best themes.

World of Warcraft is a fantasy game and there are many reasons why people play it. There are those who view it as a get away from reality as it has some of the most creative and fun fantasy designs that will get you hooked. Others come for the challenge and brain work that is required for them to advance to higher levels.
The game has been a great success in many places as it is gradually gaining popularity among both the youth and the old. This game has also some celebrity fans that admit to be addicted to it. One of these fans is Dave Chappelle. Another reason for this game's success is the addictive features that it has. A new player gets to enjoy simple first stages and then gradually they become harder. This creates a certain liking to the game that is impossible to get rid of.
Some people are attracted to this game for its features. You are given the chance to play online with your friends and other people from the rest of the world. This is because World of Warcraft comes with a multiplayer feature that allows players from anywhere to hook up and have a go at it.
The game is visually attractive with a very unique theme to it. It is also ingenious and many of those who play it openly admit of never having played such a game before.

World of Warcraft and What It's All About

The video game Warcraft was created by Blizzard entertainment and released into the gaming industry which caused ripples once it started to become a franchise video game. The game is made up of at least four concurring series with the first being named Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, the second was Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness, the third was Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and the last but not least was World of Warcraft. The game mostly entails you as a player controlling or commanding a virtual army into battle with an opponent who can be another player or the opponent can be computerized.

The first and second series of the game were further expanded in an attempt to give the player more playing time as well as increase the adventure and at the same time introduce new aspects of the game. One of the expended versions was titled Beyond the Dark Portal while the other one The Frozen Throne. Soon after this the final version of the game also got numerous expansions which were titled The Burning Crusade as well as Wrath of the Lich King. All this enhances your gaming experience as there is more adventure and the game now becomes more intense.
The plot line of the game is based on a fantasy world called Azeroth whereby it first starts with the world being inhabited by humans but soon afterward the Orcish horde appear in Azeroth and disrupts peace, thus a war starts between the two nations. It is said that the Orcish enter through a dark portal from another world known as Draenor which was destroyed by magic. The second series introduces a new continent named Kalimdor as well as the night Elves and trolls. The game is full of adventure and is definitely fun to play.

How is World of Warcraft Affecting the Society?

Recently a kid committed suicide in a situation where the parents claimed that this was as a result of addiction to this game. Apparently he was playing the game and then for some reason took his own life. His parents are blaming the game developers for their son's death and are even suing them to boot.

Getting addicted to anything to a point where one takes their life is a very sad situation. Common addictions like smoking and drinking are not the best thing but it is very rare to find a person taking their lives over them. The chemicals that are related to these drugs are the ones that are usually the cause of diseases that might kill a user in the long run. These drugs are not known to kill that fast but rather eat someone up slowly.
Taking into consideration that World of Warcraft is just a game; you cannot help but wonder what other effects this game could be having on those who play it. It is been found that the fans to this game spend long hours playing it and are virtually unable to control the amount of time they spend on their computers.
This can lead to other health related issues like eye problems from overexposure to the monitors' light. Back related problems from sitting for too long and many more. Many parents are advised to regulate the amount of time their children spend on the internet as this makes them prone to exposure to many harmful sites that can end up ruining their health or even taking their lives.
These kids may also find it difficult to socialize with others as all they are used to is online interactions which basically means no physical contact. It is therefore the prerogative of parents to monitor what their kids do online.

Some Interesting Secrets to Keep in Mind When Purchasing a World of Warcraft Horde Guide

With so many places to see, people to meet and things to learn in the World of Warcraft, you will hardly meet any new player enjoying the Warcraft game as much as the regular pro would. Apart from the fact that the game is indeed rendered as one of the most difficult to play, ironically you will find the complexity the entire game is indeed the center of all the fun to be experienced.

Come to think of it, you have to have great speed and agility when it comes to gathering mold for the gold, leveling up your characters from either the horde or Alliance groups and earning yourself more and more points through conquering as many quests as possible. So, when it comes to choosing the correct World Of Warcraft horde guide, what is one expected to look at?
Firstly, you have to choose a suitable guide that has both or one of the factions you may require. If you have characters from the Horde colony, then ensure that your horde leveling Guide is in accordance with your chosen character. Secondly, you have to look for a guide that goes hand in hand with both your accomplished and unaccomplished gaming levels.
This is to put you on alert that some of the guides that you may come across have incomplete level information, so ensure that yours has all the required information for all the levels. The guide must also have unrestricted updates, given the fact that the World of Warcraft game is constantly changing. If you happen to have a guide that has limited updates, then you are bound to face a lot of difficulty when moving from one level to another. But most important of all, you have to look for a guide that has a money back guarantee.

The Three Most Popular Leveling Guides For Horde in the World of Warcraft

Once in a while, you may have encountered problem when trying to level up your character from the Horde colony in the Warcraft game, but have you asked yourself what might be the problem or what are you doing that is not supposed to be done?
On the other hand, do you happen to have the necessary horde leveling Guides to help your horde character progress faster throughout the quest levels? If not, then you have to seek a horde guide that best outlines details of the various horde characters that will best suit your desired mission. So, which horde characters are considered to be the most popular in the world of warcraft?
The first horde character guide that you are likely to meet is Zygor 1-80, who's very easy to both, use and install, and comes in form of an add-on. Most of his quest paths are very easy to master and also constantly tested so as to hasten the level quest for both new and old players alike. In addition, the guide to use against this horde character is very easy to master and it will be up to you to master the correct buttons to press.
The other character guide to go for is Joana's 1-80, or better known as Mancow. If you at all you are looking for a horde character that exemplifies speed and agility in passing through levels with the easiness that is deserved, then it has to be this character, all thanks to his great experience and knowledge that he gained over the past years in the world of warcraft. He's the best character to use in case you are having problems in getting to the next level.
As for the Team iDemise 1-80 character horde guide, he's considered as one of the best is getting past through quest faster than you would imagine.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Kozen Aion Abyss and PVP Guide

The guide helps in understanding the confusingly mysterious Abyss. It helps the players to battle with each other in the form of PVP. It would be an intensive combat between the players that usually happens to get hold of the fortress.

The guide helps the players on all the details of the fortress and it also explains how to gain and control the gained fortress. Since a player fights with another online player for the fortress, the complete battle happens to be very interesting and realistic.
The guide helps the player to understand better the ways in which a player should get into battle with other players. The combating techniques are made clear in the form of pictures and videos thereby illustrating easily the methods of efficient attacking. The Abyss also has almost 31 artifacts throughout, and the guide also helps in locating the artifacts. Its an added advantage to possess an artifact.
Abyss points are used to buy abyss gear which would help in effective ways of leveling up. The guide provides the best ways to earn the Abyss points and ranks thereby it ultimately helps in gaining the abyss gear. Increase in experience and ranks of a player give way to the abyss gear.
The fortress battles in Aion Online can be rather confusing for new players, By knowing how to control and use artifacts and knowing how to attack each fortress is a massive advantage and that is what you will find in Kozens guide.
The Kozen Aion Abyss and PVP Guide gives the player an extra boost to the characteristics of the player in the Abyss. By making using of it efficiently, players could easily move up the game.

Kozen himself was a closed beta player and knows how Aion PvP works and you will see this when you read though this Aion PvP guide the information is so good and correct that in your head it will all make sense right away.

Within the Kozen Aion PvP guide you will learn all aspects of PvP and the best ways to improve your abyss rank and buy abyss gear from your abyss points. Another part of the guide that I found very helpful was the great guide on attacking and defending the fortresses in the abyss! learning these tactics is crucial if you wish to pose a threat to your enemy and succeed in PvP.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Maplestory Guide - Jr Balrog (Low Level)

The Jr. Balrog. Once the lord of the Sleepywood Dungeon and the bane of beta players, is not nearly the dangerous foe he once was. However for those of you under level 50 (who also dont have several billions in funding...) he may still pose a problem.
As previously mentioned, this guide is aimed specifically towards those of you on the lower end of the leveling spectrum.
The first, and by far the most difficult (and frustrating!) part will be finding one. The Jr. Balrog resides at the very bottom of the dungeon in the Cursed Sanctuary and spawns once every 6 hours..
First of all, let's look at what the Balrog is capable of. It has two ranged attacks both dealing around about 2,600 and a touch damage of about 1,700. Hardly a complex opponent, but oh well. Finally, it has 50,000HP
Before I get onto the strategy I should probably mention, this is only for ranged classes. If you're melee, you've only got one option, I'm sure you can guess.
OK! The strategy is simple, all you need to do is hit and run, luring the Jr. Balrog left and right. This is easily done due to the layout of the map.
First you jump down on the left side, and hit the Balrog to make it chase after you, then attack while jumping back/teleporting and finally retreat up the ladder. Head over to the right so that the Jr Balrog follows you. When you are at the top right part, wait for the Balrog to move past you, and jump down to the left. Attack and teleport/jump back once again until it dies. Archers, you'll probably need some speed gear. The Jr. Balrog does have a hidden regeneration rate, so if your damage output is too low it may seem like it's taking an eternity to beat, this is most likely why.
One more thing to note, for Rangers/Snipers, once the Balrog is chasing you, you can plant a puppet up and right from the ladder. The Balrog will just walk back and forth under it constantly.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Are All MMORPG Currencies Destined to Fail?

Millions of people play massive multiplayer online role playing games like Warcraft, Everquest, Guild Wars, and others. In these games as you defeat monsters and complete quests there are monetary rewards for whatever currency is in the games. With the money that is created players can spend it on items with in game vendors or with other players. As times goes on items tend to get more and more expensive. With this model are these games' currencies always going to fail?

While there are quite a few money sinks that are put into the game to try to control the money supply ultimately the game is structured so that money is constantly being printed in the game. Everyday players are gaining more and more money making the money supply much larger. As there is more money in the game items tend to cost more as those with the most money are bidding on items driving the price higher for the more rare items in the game.
The constant increase in the money supply makes it difficult to have a balanced economy. There are some ways of trying to control the economy.
Banning the gold farmers is a start. There are some who work real jobs internationally who spend the day getting more gold to sell to players for real money.
More gold sinks in the game are needed. This means expensive items sold by vendors in the game that will remove money from the game. If there are ways of balancing the money that is generated in the game as well as removed from the game the money supply will remain constant.
Another strategy is to add items in the game with controlled reward systems that are outside of using in game money.
With a bit of creativity some of the inflation problems can be controlled, but as long as there is a never ending supply of money coming into the game's economy each day it will probably always be a problem.

Monday 21 November 2011

Maplestory Guide - Horntail

Horntail is a monstrous dragon with an incredible amount of power, it is easily capable of crushing unprepared parties. Though with a properly prepared and organized party it is not nearly as difficult as it looks. The Horntail fight occurs in three stages, though the third stage consists of many parts of its own. The first two stages are the preliminary heads, which pale in comparison to what will follow. The third part is the real thing, far far harder than the prelims. The third stage is naturally Horntail itself, which is comprised of several parts. These parts need to be defeated in a certain order.

The first part is the legs, which have rather high touch damage (around 14,000) and two kinds of stomp. The first kind is a super knock back attack, the second type is a stun attack. They both deal the same damage, around 7,700 unbuffed and 9,800 buffed.
Second part is the tail, which has an absolutely insane touch damage (over 30,000 when buffed) it also has a poison gas attack which deals damage every second, though it's insignificant.
Third part is the wings, which summon Cornians occasionally. But the main worry about the wings is the attack buff it gives every other part. Once the wings die, its fairly smooth for the rest of the fight.
Fourth and Fifth parts are the left/right heads, completely identical to the preliminary heads, minus the super knockback. Namely the breath attacks dealing 5,300 damage. HP1/MP1 as well, though unlike the preliminary heads, these two do not cast seduce. They summon red, blue and black Wyverns at about 75%, 50% and 25% HP respectively.
Sixth part is the middle head, almost identical to the left and right ones except with more HP. It also casts full map dispel at 50% HP. It also summons Wyverns just like the other two heads.
Finally, the Seventh and Eighth parts are the left and right arms. These will cast status effects throughout the whole fight, but their more annoying trait is the mana burn skill. Which deals 1 damage, but burns around 2,000 MP. They also cast mass seduce at 50% HP, which seduces the first 10 people to sign up!!

Sunday 20 November 2011

Poker at Its Compact Best!

Though you can play the poker while sitting on the floor and sometimes even in the kitchen, it often is very uncomfortable. Also, the existing table on which you are playing will suffer some cracks and dents when the poker chips are spread across.

But imagine the comfort of playing poker in a Casino at your home.This folding table takes only few minutes to set it up and arrange them, which when finished can also be cleared and folded in minute.Cleaning the mess is also very simple, you must clean and pile up the chips and jus fold the table to its original position. You can take these tables anywhere and where you want. Be it in a picnic spot or a small adventure trek, you can take this table as they are portable and very easy to handle usually, the poker tables you see in the tournaments are very expensive and huge, but the foldable poker table gives you the same feel but is compact and comparatively cheap.

People who want to buy those huge tables which are used in the tournaments should be ready to spend the extra money and also to lose some space in their establishment as they are huge. There are still many factors to be remembered before purchasing the folding portable able poker. You must check about the quality and the preferred brand of the folding portable table. As the portable poker tables are cheap, so brands may mislead you and you will end up buying a table with inferior quality.

Saturday 19 November 2011

Meet Singles Speed Dating in the Dark!

We've all heard about online dating and speed dating events but think about this exact same concept taking place in complete darkness. Dating in the dark is a new cheeky singles game where you are introduced to other singles without any physical features being revealed.
For those men and women who claim that looks are not important, dating in the dark will test the sincerity of this Philosophy. The concept of this new singles and dating game is to match singles based on personality, compatibility and later in the evening participants get to decide whether there is a physical attraction too.
We hear feedback from singles on a daily basis when people meet through online dating but more often than not are disappointed when the real face to face date takes place mostly due to physical appearance. According to a recent publication in a Sydney lifestyle magazine survey, 48% of singles under 35 years old claimed that looks were not the main determination when it came to finding a suitable partner.
If you have tried speed dating before, then you will be familiar with dating in the dark events. The only big difference is that you do it literally in total darkness. Depending on the company that is hosting the event, the event takes place in a darkened room, or participants are blind folded.

Dating in the dark events are usually held at function rooms within an existing bar or hotel. After the 6 minute speed dates take place, participants choose who they clicked with when the lights were off. Each person is then given a name badge and then usually re-located to a lit room where the men and women are free to mingle a chat to those they chose when the lights were off to see if the chemistry still exists when the lights come on!
Dating in the dark sets up an atmosphere that builds anticipation and is just plain fun and exciting. The concept originated as a virtual online game on online dating sites and chat rooms and has since moved offline gaining popularity throughout many cities worldwide.
Most people treat it as a bit of fun. Groups of friends often book into these functions for a fun night where anything and everything can happen - the possibilities and outcomes are endless. Dating in the dark - give it ago!

Friday 18 November 2011

FarmVille - Learn How to Earn FarmVille Cash and Points Fast

Do you know how to build a virtual fortune in FarmVille? With the help of some useful tips this is entirely possible. You can play the game honestly, without hacks or cheats and still achieve awesome results. What does it take to master your farm and buy Villas and all the nice stuff to make your virtual farm the prettiest and wealthier? This is all about having the necessary knowledge and strategy to level up and win lots of farm cash. Then you can quietly plant your trees, your crops and take care of your animals.

Like anything else, the more you know about the game the faster you can evolve on it. The beginner players make a pretty common mistake which is to plant too soon; this will end up on losing both your crops and your money. If you plant less and harvest more you will win money that will be helpful to reinvest when you plow your land and plant your seeds so you can make more money to continue playing.
To make sure you are always with a good advantage relatively to the game, you have to know the cycle of your crops and when they are mature and ready to harvest. If you always collect your crops on time and you don't let them wither, then you are maximizing your profit potential. Harvest them as soon as they are ready, and always remember that the same amount of time it takes for your crop to grow up is the same it takes to wither, so lookout for the deadline.
One of the primary objectives on FarmVille is to level up. You can do it by accumulating experience points, and for each level you achieve you will unlock trees, animals, crops and special items that weren't available to you at the time. This way you can expand your wealth on your game but you won't be able to go very far without the help of your neighbours.
You can invite your Facebook friends to become your FarmVille neighbours but make sure you only invite them once. It's very annoying for someone who doesn't want to join to receive lots of invitations; on the other hand those who are ready to play will be very pleased by receiving your invitation. Just make sure you help them out, send gifts and visit them regularly.

FarmVille Trees - Why They Are Important to Your Farm

Trees are an abundant aspect of the FarmVille game, but do you really need them around your own farm in order to do well in the game and get further as a farmer? The FarmVille online game is one of the most addictive games around, and to do well as a player you need to give some thought to what you want to include on your farm.

FarmVille trees have some great things about them for the casual player to enjoy, and plenty of scope for keeping people entertained. How do a bunch of trees do that? Well, one good thing about FarmVille trees is that they do not rot and die away, unlike many of the crops used in the game. A good thing about this is that these trees don't need to be trended to very much, unlike the crops. Plus, a lot of trees will earn you more coins.
You're able to have up to 16 trees in any one plot on your farm, but as you level up you will be able to have more and more trees as part of your farm. The main drawback of trees in FarmVille, even though they are easy to maintain and harvest, they are rather costly to get in the first place (and take longer to grow than crops), which is why a lot of players avoid having very many of them on their own farms.
In addition, FarmVille trees don't really offer much in the way of experience points, even though FarmVille trees do bring you a lot of coins. Thus it would take you longer to level up if you solely concentrated on growing FarmVille trees.
The best thing to do is to create a good balance of FarmVille trees with faster growing crops such as the various fruits that you can grow in the game. This way you can reap the rewards of both, and while your crops will help you level up with experience points, while your FarmVille game trees will keep those coins rolling in.
Pete is a FarmVille fan who wants to share the best tips with other players to enhance your enjoyment! There's no denying that even the best players around could use some Farmville Game Tips to help them along now and again!

How to Be Great at FarmVille

FarmVille is highly addictive. But how annoying is it watching your friends way ahead of you in the game. You simply cannot overtake them. They all seem to be generating masses of money and run an amazing farm whilst day after day you struggle along with your rotting crops. The competitive nature of FarmVille is what makes it so addictive. So what can be done to overtake your friends.
There are several easy to ways to progress past your friends.
Experience Points
Building up experience points is how you move quickly through the levels. Do the simple things first like ploughing a field and gain the points to help you pass the first few levels.
Choose crops wisely
Choose crops that will give you the maximum experience points in the shortest space of time. Choosing crops that only take a day to harvest is the simplest way to start. You can start to build up some experience points quickly. You can then start to use crops that to generate that take slightly longer to harvest but will result in a larger pay off in the end. Simply weigh the length of harvest against the number of experience points and pick the one that will have a great payoff.
Setting up new buildings
Once you have gained sufficient experience points then looking at investing in new property. Invest is the important word here because they are fantastic way to earn lots of points. Set yourself the initial goal of earning enough to point to buy some property. Animals are a fantastic way to earn points but will eat away at your money if you don't have enough to support them. Property is the best way to go with investments to begin with.
Apply these simple techniques and watch the success of your farm go through the roof.

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