Wednesday 30 November 2011

Best Paladin Race - A Breakdown by Purpose

It can be hard to figure out racials when you don't really have any idea what a class is like at level eighty. Even those with experience, though, can find themselves unable to determine which racials are optimal; is Berserking or Blood Fury stronger burst, for example?
Today we'll discuss the best Paladin race for each role you're likely to want to play in at level eighty; PvP, DPS, Healing, and Tanking. We'll name the top race or two for each role, and explain what makes that race so good.
First, let's talk about PvP. Currently, Human continues to dominate PvP thanks to Every Man for Himself; the fact that you can trade your normal PvP trinket in for something a lot stronger is a major benefit, as top end trinkets often have more benefits than any other piece of equipment. Other than Human, the top DPS and Healing races can work for PvP, as their benefits continue to work in PvP.
For DPS, there is really only one choice; Draenei. The hit buff aura a Draenei provides buffs not only the players damage, but their entire party. The other option, if Draenei isn't your thing or you plan to be partied with someone else to get the buff, is Dwarf or Human; Dwarves get more expertise but only with maces, compared to Human's lesser expertise but ability to use either swords OR maces.
Third up is Healing. To be honest, none of the racials available really does anything worthwhile for a Paladin healer, at least directly. Human is probably the best choice in the end, though, because Every Man for Himself can allow a healer to get out of CC and back to healing as soon as possible, which can be vital. The extra heal of a Draenei isn't completely horrible either.
Tanking is our last stop, and really there is no contest; Dwarf is easily the best paladin race for tanking. Stoneform allows not only a quick purge of a variety of status effects, but a temporary armor buff. No other race provides anything as handy. Draenei's hit buff and emergency heal isn't a bad choice, though.
So there you have it; it's pretty easy to see that while there isn't a single best paladin race, each role does have its best choices.


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